More than 300 homologs were found in PanDaTox collection
for query gene Shewmr7_3698 on replicon NC_008322
Organism: Shewanella sp. MR-7

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Replicon accession

Locus tag


% identity

Alignment on query gene

Alignment on homolog gene


Bit score


Organism name


Plasmid clonability

Plasmid unclonability p-value

Fosmid clonability

Fosmid unclonability p-value

Coverage Plot

PanDaTox homologs

Experimental validation
NC_008321  Shewmr4_0326  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  99.78 
463 aa  927    Shewanella sp. MR-4  Bacteria  normal  0.876228  normal 
NC_008322  Shewmr7_3698  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  100 
463 aa  929    Shewanella sp. MR-7  Bacteria  normal  0.246306  normal  0.556215 
NC_008345  Sfri_0336  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  61.12 
500 aa  546  1e-154  Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_004578  PSPTO_0263  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  32.48 
498 aa  167  4e-40  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008228  Patl_4181  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.59 
498 aa  157  4e-37  Pseudoalteromonas atlantica T6c  Bacteria  normal  0.07397  n/a   
NC_008700  Sama_2397  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.99 
530 aa  154  2.9999999999999998e-36  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.448764 
NC_007005  Psyr_0143  chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.63 
506 aa  151  2e-35  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008228  Patl_4183  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.06 
481 aa  152  2e-35  Pseudoalteromonas atlantica T6c  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011138  MADE_00189  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.91 
493 aa  143  7e-33  Alteromonas macleodii 'Deep ecotype'  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009092  Shew_0085  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31 
638 aa  139  1e-31  Shewanella loihica PV-4  Bacteria  normal  0.0647334  normal 
NC_011663  Sbal223_1387  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.65 
667 aa  137  3.0000000000000003e-31  Shewanella baltica OS223  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009665  Shew185_2990  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.65 
667 aa  137  4e-31  Shewanella baltica OS185  Bacteria  normal  0.413203  n/a   
NC_009052  Sbal_2976  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.65 
667 aa  137  4e-31  Shewanella baltica OS155  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000241408  n/a   
NC_009997  Sbal195_3134  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.65 
667 aa  137  4e-31  Shewanella baltica OS195  Bacteria  normal  0.0135223  normal  0.80442 
NC_013501  Rmar_2782  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  25.52 
601 aa  134  3e-30  Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4252  Bacteria  normal  0.163256  n/a   
NC_013889  TK90_2562  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.82 
671 aa  133  7.999999999999999e-30  Thioalkalivibrio sp. K90mix  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  0.0046581 
NC_013889  TK90_1029  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.97 
411 aa  132  1.0000000000000001e-29  Thioalkalivibrio sp. K90mix  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009438  Sputcn32_2637  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  28.72 
667 aa  131  3e-29  Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32  Bacteria  normal  0.0295827  n/a   
NC_003910  CPS_2050  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  32.35 
704 aa  130  4.0000000000000003e-29  Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H  Bacteria  normal  0.459277  n/a   
NC_008740  Maqu_2789  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  36.6 
545 aa  130  4.0000000000000003e-29  Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8  Bacteria  normal  0.888266  n/a   
NC_004347  SO_3282  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  34.01 
667 aa  130  7.000000000000001e-29  Shewanella oneidensis MR-1  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_008321  Shewmr4_1243  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.96 
667 aa  129  9.000000000000001e-29  Shewanella sp. MR-4  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008322  Shewmr7_1313  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  33.22 
667 aa  129  9.000000000000001e-29  Shewanella sp. MR-7  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.00146838  normal 
NC_011138  MADE_01731  Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  28.92 
539 aa  129  1.0000000000000001e-28  Alteromonas macleodii 'Deep ecotype'  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008577  Shewana3_1293  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  33.22 
667 aa  129  1.0000000000000001e-28  Shewanella sp. ANA-3  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007954  Sden_0099  chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.56 
639 aa  127  3e-28  Shewanella denitrificans OS217  Bacteria  unclonable  0.0000000152719  n/a   
NC_007005  Psyr_0905  histidine kinase, HAMP region: chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.71 
640 aa  126  8.000000000000001e-28  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  0.746842  normal 
NC_009456  VC0395_1007  hemolysin secretion protein HylB  31.19 
548 aa  126  9e-28  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  normal  0.702356  n/a   
NC_009831  Ssed_4404  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32 
638 aa  126  1e-27  Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0156105 
NC_010506  Swoo_4795  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  34.41 
638 aa  125  1e-27  Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908  Bacteria  normal  0.884167  hitchhiker  0.000462611 
NC_010506  Swoo_0732  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  35.64 
555 aa  125  2e-27  Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.177926 
NC_004578  PSPTO_1059  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  32.18 
629 aa  124  3e-27  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_2773  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  33.44 
540 aa  124  3e-27  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_3346  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  35.48 
557 aa  124  4e-27  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.418138 
NC_011901  Tgr7_1425  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.29 
438 aa  124  5e-27  Thioalkalivibrio sp. HL-EbGR7  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007492  Pfl01_4715  chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.75 
713 aa  124  5e-27  Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1  Bacteria  normal  0.233277  normal  0.171171 
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_3948  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  33.86 
658 aa  123  7e-27  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010501  PputW619_2757  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.58 
544 aa  123  8e-27  Pseudomonas putida W619  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008609  Ppro_3465  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  29.9 
423 aa  122  9.999999999999999e-27  Pelobacter propionicus DSM 2379  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008789  Hhal_0167  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  27.41 
540 aa  121  1.9999999999999998e-26  Halorhodospira halophila SL1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009438  Sputcn32_2347  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.86 
533 aa  121  3e-26  Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009439  Pmen_3669  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.84 
716 aa  121  3e-26  Pseudomonas mendocina ymp  Bacteria  normal  0.170337  normal 
NC_011138  MADE_03718  putative chemotaxis sensory protein  29.7 
540 aa  121  3e-26  Alteromonas macleodii 'Deep ecotype'  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007005  Psyr_2356  histidine kinase, HAMP region: chemotaxis sensory transducer  28.97 
619 aa  120  3.9999999999999996e-26  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  0.0809243  normal  0.398562 
NC_010322  PputGB1_0343  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.89 
645 aa  120  3.9999999999999996e-26  Pseudomonas putida GB-1  Bacteria  normal  0.675969  normal 
NC_009456  VC0395_0606  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.77 
587 aa  120  3.9999999999999996e-26  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007005  Psyr_4706  histidine kinase, HAMP region: chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.77 
541 aa  120  4.9999999999999996e-26  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008740  Maqu_0956  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  27.24 
676 aa  120  6e-26  Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_004578  PSPTO_2616  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.79 
633 aa  120  7e-26  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.00438795  n/a   
NC_003910  CPS_4964  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  31.9 
545 aa  119  9.999999999999999e-26  Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010501  PputW619_2319  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.33 
546 aa  119  9.999999999999999e-26  Pseudomonas putida W619  Bacteria  normal  0.217936  normal 
NC_004347  SO_1056  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.59 
630 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Shewanella oneidensis MR-1  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_007005  Psyr_2634  histidine kinase, HAMP region: chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.91 
542 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  0.917034  normal 
NC_008577  Shewana3_0895  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  28.96 
630 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Shewanella sp. ANA-3  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.174985 
NC_009092  Shew_2954  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  28.75 
620 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Shewanella loihica PV-4  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.000679912  normal 
NC_007348  Reut_B3725  chemotaxis sensory transducer  27.95 
490 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Ralstonia eutropha JMP134  Bacteria  normal  0.473606  n/a   
NC_009092  Shew_0596  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.95 
640 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Shewanella loihica PV-4  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.270432 
NC_007912  Sde_0343  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.87 
547 aa  119  1.9999999999999998e-25  Saccharophagus degradans 2-40  Bacteria  normal  0.0441023  normal  0.46066 
NC_013457  VEA_001368  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.94 
519 aa  118  1.9999999999999998e-25  Vibrio sp. Ex25  Bacteria  normal  0.237865  n/a   
NC_009052  Sbal_1924  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.75 
531 aa  117  3e-25  Shewanella baltica OS155  Bacteria  normal  0.666083  n/a   
NC_008322  Shewmr7_0930  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  29.46 
630 aa  118  3e-25  Shewanella sp. MR-7  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.257402 
NC_002947  PP_0320  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.23 
645 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Pseudomonas putida KT2440  Bacteria  normal  decreased coverage  0.0000409011 
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_3842  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  33.71 
537 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  0.0000516027 
NC_008700  Sama_3522  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  42.42 
636 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010506  Swoo_3725  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.03 
620 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908  Bacteria  normal  0.403145  normal 
NC_010501  PputW619_4887  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.75 
645 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Pseudomonas putida W619  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.658451 
NC_010501  PputW619_2593  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.96 
540 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Pseudomonas putida W619  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.591477 
NC_008700  Sama_0622  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.17 
539 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.321986 
NC_008321  Shewmr4_3042  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  28.29 
630 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Shewanella sp. MR-4  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.397129 
NC_008345  Sfri_0080  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.34 
636 aa  117  3.9999999999999997e-25  Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011663  Sbal223_2369  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.75 
664 aa  117  5e-25  Shewanella baltica OS223  Bacteria  normal  0.0315396  normal  0.0961625 
NC_009665  Shew185_1950  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.75 
664 aa  117  5e-25  Shewanella baltica OS185  Bacteria  normal  0.0377955  n/a   
NC_013457  VEA_001273  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  41.21 
638 aa  117  5e-25  Vibrio sp. Ex25  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010501  PputW619_1723  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer with Cache sensor  39.58 
626 aa  117  5e-25  Pseudomonas putida W619  Bacteria  normal  0.372844  normal 
NC_007954  Sden_2239  chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.29 
648 aa  117  5e-25  Shewanella denitrificans OS217  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009831  Ssed_3477  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  31.58 
622 aa  117  6e-25  Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  0.000522984 
NC_004578  PSPTO_4541  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  32.63 
541 aa  117  6e-25  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  0.726322  n/a   
NC_008607  Ppro_3805  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.88 
422 aa  117  6e-25  Pelobacter propionicus DSM 2379  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000721713  n/a   
NC_009512  Pput_0342  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.9 
645 aa  117  6e-25  Pseudomonas putida F1  Bacteria  normal  0.860801  normal 
NC_010506  Swoo_2814  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.94 
702 aa  117  6e-25  Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908  Bacteria  normal  0.650804  normal 
NC_009457  VC0395_A2596  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  30.14 
564 aa  116  8.999999999999998e-25  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  unclonable  0.00000000000057467  n/a   
NC_007492  Pfl01_2907  chemotaxis sensory transducer  29.24 
541 aa  116  8.999999999999998e-25  Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.300582 
NC_008340  Mlg_1098  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  27.59 
637 aa  116  8.999999999999998e-25  Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii MLHE-1  Bacteria  normal  0.0167241  normal 
NC_008700  Sama_2607  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  31.35 
541 aa  116  8.999999999999998e-25  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00122932  normal 
NC_002947  PP_2861  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  29.5 
544 aa  116  1.0000000000000001e-24  Pseudomonas putida KT2440  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.445183 
NC_004578  PSPTO_0466  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  31.27 
541 aa  116  1.0000000000000001e-24  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009512  Pput_2828  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  29.5 
544 aa  115  1.0000000000000001e-24  Pseudomonas putida F1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009457  VC0395_A1023  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.55 
578 aa  115  1.0000000000000001e-24  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009997  Sbal195_1957  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.75 
664 aa  115  1.0000000000000001e-24  Shewanella baltica OS195  Bacteria  normal  0.257458  normal  0.211978 
NC_009784  VIBHAR_05150  adenylyl cyclase class-3/4/guanylyl cyclase  40.66 
650 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Vibrio harveyi ATCC BAA-1116  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_008700  Sama_1713  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.58 
666 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000425798  normal  0.0665929 
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_4154  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  39.09 
642 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_004578  PSPTO_3098  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  29.74 
642 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  0.398555  n/a   
NC_009831  Ssed_3705  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  32.5 
541 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3  Bacteria  normal  0.0963791  normal 
NC_009456  VC0395_0962  methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein  37.44 
643 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000917898  n/a   
NC_009486  Tpet_0009  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  29.31 
661 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009997  Sbal195_3220  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  38.3 
539 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Shewanella baltica OS195  Bacteria  normal  0.0243326  normal 
NC_011663  Sbal223_3352  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.42 
573 aa  114  2.0000000000000002e-24  Shewanella baltica OS223  Bacteria  normal  0.729863  normal 
NC_008700  Sama_2502  putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  35.51 
649 aa  114  2.0000000000000002e-24  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  normal  0.988754  normal 
NC_008322  Shewmr7_3750  methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensory transducer  30.36 
638 aa  115  2.0000000000000002e-24  Shewanella sp. MR-7  Bacteria  normal  0.666265  normal  0.186245 
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