More than 300 homologs were found in PanDaTox collection
for query gene Veis_4252 on replicon NC_008786
Organism: Verminephrobacter eiseniae EF01-2

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Replicon accession

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% identity

Alignment on query gene

Alignment on homolog gene


Bit score


Organism name


Plasmid clonability

Plasmid unclonability p-value

Fosmid clonability

Fosmid unclonability p-value

Coverage Plot

PanDaTox homologs

Experimental validation
NC_008786  Veis_4252  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  100 
276 aa  539  9.999999999999999e-153  Verminephrobacter eiseniae EF01-2  Bacteria  normal  0.176316  normal  0.343929 
NC_007973  Rmet_1616  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  73.72 
279 aa  386  1e-106  Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34  Bacteria  normal  0.0234339  normal 
NC_008786  Veis_0747  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  70.44 
279 aa  377  1e-104  Verminephrobacter eiseniae EF01-2  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009485  BBta_7556  putative dipeptide ABC transporter (permease protein)  63.57 
279 aa  343  2e-93  Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_012791  Vapar_5233  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  63.74 
283 aa  342  2.9999999999999997e-93  Variovorax paradoxus S110  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011894  Mnod_1509  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  64.58 
280 aa  342  2.9999999999999997e-93  Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060  Bacteria  normal  0.284624  n/a   
NC_010505  Mrad2831_3219  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  64.58 
279 aa  341  7e-93  Methylobacterium radiotolerans JCM 2831  Bacteria  normal  0.511198  normal 
NC_007948  Bpro_0424  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  63.24 
281 aa  338  5e-92  Polaromonas sp. JS666  Bacteria  normal  0.170759  normal 
NC_011004  Rpal_2573  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  59.34 
279 aa  320  9.999999999999999e-87  Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1  Bacteria  normal  0.786779  n/a   
NC_010511  M446_0669  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  64.42 
280 aa  320  1.9999999999999998e-86  Methylobacterium sp. 4-46  Bacteria  normal  0.489038  normal 
NC_007925  RPC_3488  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  59.49 
279 aa  318  7.999999999999999e-86  Rhodopseudomonas palustris BisB18  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007778  RPB_3131  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  58.24 
279 aa  317  2e-85  Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.19818 
NC_007778  RPB_1649  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  65.08 
279 aa  315  4e-85  Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2  Bacteria  normal  0.857985  normal 
NC_007925  RPC_2970  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  52.77 
281 aa  290  2e-77  Rhodopseudomonas palustris BisB18  Bacteria  normal  0.0153047  normal  0.258787 
NC_009621  Smed_5656  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  54.74 
332 aa  286  2e-76  Sinorhizobium medicae WSM419  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009485  BBta_4862  putative ABC transporter, permease protein  56.27 
327 aa  286  2e-76  Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1  Bacteria  normal  0.400673  normal  0.659782 
NC_011981  Avi_7183  ABC transporter membrane spanning protein (oligopeptide)  50.92 
335 aa  286  2.9999999999999996e-76  Agrobacterium vitis S4  Bacteria  normal  0.587678  n/a   
NC_010581  Bind_2549  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  55.31 
344 aa  283  1.0000000000000001e-75  Beijerinckia indica subsp. indica ATCC 9039  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009720  Xaut_2763  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  54.62 
297 aa  282  4.0000000000000003e-75  Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2  Bacteria  normal  0.405824  normal 
NC_007643  Rru_A2012  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  53.48 
276 aa  278  5e-74  Rhodospirillum rubrum ATCC 11170  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010002  Daci_5669  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  49.45 
302 aa  273  3e-72  Delftia acidovorans SPH-1  Bacteria  normal  0.330271  normal  0.031338 
NC_007778  RPB_3080  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  50.92 
283 aa  272  3e-72  Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2  Bacteria  normal  0.35224  normal 
NC_009668  Oant_3318  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  54.98 
291 aa  269  4e-71  Ochrobactrum anthropi ATCC 49188  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009485  BBta_4329  putative ABC transporter, permease protein  52.01 
276 aa  268  8e-71  Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007952  Bxe_B1563  ABC peptide transporter, inner membrane subunit  55.6 
323 aa  268  8.999999999999999e-71  Burkholderia xenovorans LB400  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_012880  Dd703_1809  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  53.73 
301 aa  268  1e-70  Dickeya dadantii Ech703  Bacteria  normal  0.295614  n/a   
NC_011004  Rpal_2916  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  52.01 
276 aa  264  1e-69  Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1  Bacteria  normal  0.0498468  n/a   
NC_007958  RPD_1150  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  52.38 
276 aa  261  8e-69  Rhodopseudomonas palustris BisB5  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.155338 
NC_007778  RPB_1039  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  51.65 
276 aa  259  2e-68  Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2  Bacteria  normal  0.336081  normal 
NC_008254  Meso_0561  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  56.45 
284 aa  260  2e-68  Chelativorans sp. BNC1  Bacteria  normal  0.13316  n/a   
NC_008786  Veis_4292  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  49.45 
301 aa  258  6e-68  Verminephrobacter eiseniae EF01-2  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009485  BBta_2567  putative dipeptide transport system permease protein  49.45 
274 aa  256  3e-67  Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.255906 
NC_007953  Bxe_C0142  peptide/opine/nickel ABC transporter inner membrane protein  54.1 
323 aa  256  4e-67  Burkholderia xenovorans LB400  Bacteria  normal  0.875081  normal  0.260436 
NC_008687  Pden_4283  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  49.63 
292 aa  251  9.000000000000001e-66  Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222  Bacteria  normal  0.826823  normal 
NC_007778  RPB_0130  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  44.69 
306 aa  236  4e-61  Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010505  Mrad2831_4762  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  52.5 
307 aa  235  7e-61  Methylobacterium radiotolerans JCM 2831  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007947  Mfla_1485  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  47.23 
274 aa  232  5e-60  Methylobacillus flagellatus KT  Bacteria  normal  0.0146821  normal  0.125484 
NC_009485  BBta_5136  putative peptide ABC transporter permease protein, oppC-like protein  48.81 
288 aa  232  5e-60  Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0406235 
NC_011004  Rpal_0104  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  52.27 
302 aa  231  8.000000000000001e-60  Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1  Bacteria  normal  0.217904  n/a   
NC_012918  GM21_1592  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  46.15 
280 aa  230  2e-59  Geobacter sp. M21  Bacteria  n/a    normal  0.961775 
NC_011146  Gbem_2642  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  46.52 
280 aa  230  2e-59  Geobacter bemidjiensis Bem  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007498  Pcar_1867  ABC-type transport system protein  46.15 
288 aa  229  5e-59  Pelobacter carbinolicus DSM 2380  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007519  Dde_1183  putative permease of ABC transporter  42.81 
301 aa  227  2e-58  Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans str. G20  Bacteria  normal  0.056047  n/a   
NC_004311  BRA0784  peptide ABC transporter, permease protein  46.82 
276 aa  217  1e-55  Brucella suis 1330  Bacteria  normal  0.816252  n/a   
NC_007517  Gmet_1236  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  45.39 
284 aa  216  4e-55  Geobacter metallireducens GS-15  Bacteria  normal  0.143707  normal  0.209567 
NC_009668  Oant_3966  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  46.44 
276 aa  215  5.9999999999999996e-55  Ochrobactrum anthropi ATCC 49188  Bacteria  normal  0.316971  n/a   
NC_010718  Nther_2796  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.6 
299 aa  215  8e-55  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009767  Rcas_3840  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  44.57 
298 aa  214  1.9999999999999998e-54  Roseiflexus castenholzii DSM 13941  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.00781305  normal  0.217965 
NC_013739  Cwoe_2947  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  45.22 
300 aa  213  1.9999999999999998e-54  Conexibacter woesei DSM 14684  Bacteria  normal  0.456335  normal  0.0430362 
NC_009483  Gura_2052  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  44.28 
280 aa  212  4.9999999999999996e-54  Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009253  Dred_2452  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.65 
296 aa  211  1e-53  Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1  Bacteria  normal  0.0368392  n/a   
NC_008751  Dvul_0778  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  47.06 
300 aa  211  1e-53  Desulfovibrio vulgaris DP4  Bacteria  normal  0.0620007  normal  0.517219 
NC_002939  GSU1435  peptide ABC transporter, permease protein  43.7 
282 aa  207  1e-52  Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA  Bacteria  normal  0.557175  n/a   
NC_010718  Nther_2403  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  40.22 
304 aa  207  1e-52  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0000000292743  normal 
NC_010322  PputGB1_0923  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.6 
308 aa  208  1e-52  Pseudomonas putida GB-1  Bacteria  normal  0.848897  normal 
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_0112  dipeptide transporter  40.43 
304 aa  207  2e-52  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007492  Pfl01_0811  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  41.88 
308 aa  206  3e-52  Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1  Bacteria  normal  0.261533  normal  0.347061 
NC_008609  Ppro_2013  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  43.17 
285 aa  206  3e-52  Pelobacter propionicus DSM 2379  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008554  Sfum_1414  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  43.67 
258 aa  206  4e-52  Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans MPOB  Bacteria  normal  0.289806  normal  0.295413 
NC_010184  BcerKBAB4_0805  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.16 
283 aa  205  5e-52  Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4  Bacteria  normal  0.789025  n/a   
NC_003909  BCE_1002  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein  41.42 
283 aa  202  4e-51  Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_005957  BT9727_0824  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease  41.42 
283 aa  202  4e-51  Bacillus thuringiensis serovar konkukian str. 97-27  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011725  BCB4264_A0947  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein  41.42 
283 aa  202  5e-51  Bacillus cereus B4264  Bacteria  normal  0.177412  n/a   
NC_007519  Dde_2594  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein  44.62 
285 aa  201  8e-51  Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans str. G20  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011830  Dhaf_0455  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  40 
309 aa  201  8e-51  Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011772  BCG9842_B4384  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein  41.42 
283 aa  201  9e-51  Bacillus cereus G9842  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  9.52955e-23 
NC_009439  Pmen_0839  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  41.52 
300 aa  201  9.999999999999999e-51  Pseudomonas mendocina ymp  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007494  RSP_3233  ABC peptide transporter, inner membrane subunit  41.61 
300 aa  200  1.9999999999999998e-50  Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009656  PSPA7_5118  ABC transporter permease  41.88 
303 aa  200  1.9999999999999998e-50  Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011769  DvMF_0921  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  45.31 
284 aa  200  1.9999999999999998e-50  Desulfovibrio vulgaris str. 'Miyazaki F'  Bacteria  n/a    normal  0.399737 
NC_009485  BBta_1977  ABC transporter permease  48.96 
256 aa  201  1.9999999999999998e-50  Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009050  Rsph17029_3971  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  41.61 
300 aa  200  1.9999999999999998e-50  Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17029  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_005945  BAS0860  oligopeptide ABC transporter permease  41.79 
283 aa  199  3e-50  Bacillus anthracis str. Sterne  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_006274  BCZK0809  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease  41.79 
283 aa  199  3e-50  Bacillus cereus E33L  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007530  GBAA_0910  oligopeptide ABC transporter permease protein  41.79 
283 aa  199  3e-50  Bacillus anthracis str. 'Ames Ancestor'  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008686  Pden_1669  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  43.07 
300 aa  199  6e-50  Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.830597 
NC_009636  Smed_2324  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.8 
319 aa  198  7e-50  Sinorhizobium medicae WSM419  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.98941 
NC_010718  Nther_2788  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  40.39 
310 aa  198  7e-50  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010625  Bphy_6649  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.7 
294 aa  198  7.999999999999999e-50  Burkholderia phymatum STM815  Bacteria  normal  0.789298  normal 
NC_008463  PA14_58450  ABC transporter permease  41.52 
303 aa  198  7.999999999999999e-50  Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14  Bacteria  normal  0.982429  normal 
NC_011773  BCAH820_0998  oligopeptide ABC transporter, permease protein  41.42 
283 aa  198  7.999999999999999e-50  Bacillus cereus AH820  Bacteria  n/a    unclonable  3.8284200000000003e-62 
NC_010814  Glov_2032  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  44.03 
285 aa  198  1.0000000000000001e-49  Geobacter lovleyi SZ  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009429  Rsph17025_3965  hypothetical protein  41.97 
300 aa  198  1.0000000000000001e-49  Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17025  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.16334 
NC_008254  Meso_2406  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.24 
284 aa  197  1.0000000000000001e-49  Chelativorans sp. BNC1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013522  Taci_0011  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  39.57 
307 aa  197  1.0000000000000001e-49  Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans DSM 6589  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_002947  PP_0880  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.24 
308 aa  197  2.0000000000000003e-49  Pseudomonas putida KT2440  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009512  Pput_0919  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.24 
308 aa  197  2.0000000000000003e-49  Pseudomonas putida F1  Bacteria  normal  0.979311  normal  0.485884 
NC_007005  Psyr_2680  binding-protein dependent transport system inner membrane protein  42.03 
290 aa  196  3e-49  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  0.129024  normal  0.890863 
NC_008781  Pnap_3535  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  41.98 
300 aa  196  3e-49  Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.641847 
NC_009523  RoseRS_1095  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  39.48 
300 aa  196  4.0000000000000005e-49  Roseiflexus sp. RS-1  Bacteria  normal  0.407507  hitchhiker  0.0072251 
NC_010718  Nther_0479  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  42.7 
304 aa  195  5.000000000000001e-49  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  0.477815  normal 
NC_009253  Dred_0391  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  39.71 
295 aa  196  5.000000000000001e-49  Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011661  Dtur_0860  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  39.85 
287 aa  196  5.000000000000001e-49  Dictyoglomus turgidum DSM 6724  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000000642732  n/a   
NC_009767  Rcas_2802  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  39.48 
300 aa  195  8.000000000000001e-49  Roseiflexus castenholzii DSM 13941  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_014212  Mesil_2530  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  44.69 
286 aa  195  8.000000000000001e-49  Meiothermus silvanus DSM 9946  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_004578  PSPTO_4563  dipeptide ABC transporter, permease protein  41.52 
303 aa  194  9e-49  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_012852  Rleg_6142  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  41.6 
274 aa  194  1e-48  Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii WSM1325  Bacteria  normal  0.266947  normal  0.0172479 
NC_007802  Jann_4129  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  40 
312 aa  194  1e-48  Jannaschia sp. CCS1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010627  Bphy_7646  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  40.15 
304 aa  194  1e-48  Burkholderia phymatum STM815  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010501  PputW619_4298  binding-protein-dependent transport systems inner membrane component  41.82 
308 aa  194  1e-48  Pseudomonas putida W619  Bacteria  normal  0.706102  normal 
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