More than 300 homologs were found in PanDaTox collection
for query gene Dred_1302 on replicon NC_009253
Organism: Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1

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Replicon accession

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% identity

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Organism name


Plasmid clonability

Plasmid unclonability p-value

Fosmid clonability

Fosmid unclonability p-value

Coverage Plot

PanDaTox homologs

Experimental validation
NC_009253  Dred_1302  respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain-containing protein  100 
440 aa  894    Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011830  Dhaf_0361  Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain 51 kDa subunit  51.52 
451 aa  412  1e-114  Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013517  Sterm_1915  Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain 51 kDa subunit  48.65 
444 aa  386  1e-106  Sebaldella termitidis ATCC 33386  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009253  Dred_3270  respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain-containing protein  44.88 
445 aa  382  1e-105  Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011830  Dhaf_4896  Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain 51 kDa subunit  44.65 
442 aa  381  1e-104  Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011883  Ddes_1370  Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain 51 kDa subunit  47.51 
441 aa  367  1e-100  Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans str. ATCC 27774  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007519  Dde_3266  electron transfer protein (PduS)  45.37 
442 aa  354  2e-96  Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans str. G20  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011080  SNSL254_A2230  polyhedral body protein  46.08 
451 aa  345  1e-93  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport str. SL254  Bacteria  normal  0.0520726  normal 
NC_011083  SeHA_C2276  polyhedral body protein  46.45 
451 aa  341  1e-92  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Heidelberg str. SL476  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0189195 
NC_013522  Taci_0084  Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain 51 kDa subunit  45.2 
449 aa  341  1e-92  Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans DSM 6589  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011094  SeSA_A2223  polyhedral body protein  45.72 
451 aa  338  1.9999999999999998e-91  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Schwarzengrund str. CVM19633  Bacteria  normal  0.0117098  normal  0.877989 
NC_011149  SeAg_B2176  polyhedral body protein  46.21 
451 aa  337  1.9999999999999998e-91  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011205  SeD_A2389  polyhedral body protein  45.97 
451 aa  337  2.9999999999999997e-91  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Dublin str. CT_02021853  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009801  EcE24377A_2294  propanediol utilization protein PduS  46.81 
447 aa  335  1e-90  Escherichia coli E24377A  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010571  Oter_2055  respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain-containing protein  41.23 
441 aa  322  9.000000000000001e-87  Opitutus terrae PB90-1  Bacteria  normal  0.551264  normal 
NC_010001  Cphy_1185  respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain-containing protein  40 
442 aa  306  3e-82  Clostridium phytofermentans ISDg  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008740  Maqu_1243  respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase domain-containing protein  40.15 
449 aa  302  7.000000000000001e-81  Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010320  Teth514_0079  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  35.03 
443 aa  183  4.0000000000000006e-45  Thermoanaerobacter sp. X514  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0000481582  n/a   
NC_010831  Cphamn1_1529  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  33.76 
441 aa  182  8.000000000000001e-45  Chlorobium phaeobacteroides BS1  Bacteria  normal  0.427394  normal 
NC_010718  Nther_1081  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  33.76 
441 aa  180  4.999999999999999e-44  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0983161 
NC_010718  Nther_0494  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  32.22 
440 aa  178  2e-43  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  0.0552147  hitchhiker  0.00321553 
NC_011661  Dtur_1091  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  36.81 
437 aa  175  9.999999999999999e-43  Dictyoglomus turgidum DSM 6724  Bacteria  normal  0.566886  n/a   
NC_011899  Hore_14350  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  34.19 
441 aa  174  1.9999999999999998e-42  Halothermothrix orenii H 168  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0000000000000459992  n/a   
NC_002967  TDE0838  Na(+)-translocating NADH-quinone reductase, A subunit  34.57 
480 aa  174  2.9999999999999996e-42  Treponema denticola ATCC 35405  Bacteria  normal  0.0144455  n/a   
NC_009486  Tpet_0680  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  32.48 
435 aa  174  2.9999999999999996e-42  Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010483  TRQ2_0704  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  32.17 
435 aa  172  9e-42  Thermotoga sp. RQ2  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008261  CPF_1663  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  32.49 
436 aa  171  3e-41  Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011138  MADE_02731  electron transport complex protein RnfC  35.13 
852 aa  170  5e-41  Alteromonas macleodii 'Deep ecotype'  Bacteria  normal  0.618008  n/a   
NC_013517  Sterm_0974  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.89 
438 aa  167  4e-40  Sebaldella termitidis ATCC 33386  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009718  Fnod_0387  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  34.41 
435 aa  166  6.9999999999999995e-40  Fervidobacterium nodosum Rt17-B1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013422  Hneap_1785  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  34.19 
567 aa  164  2.0000000000000002e-39  Halothiobacillus neapolitanus c2  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011059  Paes_1310  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.35 
441 aa  163  4.0000000000000004e-39  Prosthecochloris aestuarii DSM 271  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.643075 
NC_013522  Taci_0342  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  35.76 
445 aa  163  5.0000000000000005e-39  Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans DSM 6589  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013171  Apre_1327  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  34.29 
439 aa  162  1e-38  Anaerococcus prevotii DSM 20548  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0000291101  n/a   
NC_008228  Patl_2967  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  33.23 
890 aa  159  7e-38  Pseudoalteromonas atlantica T6c  Bacteria  normal  0.390488  n/a   
NC_009943  Dole_0306  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  34.29 
454 aa  158  2e-37  Desulfococcus oleovorans Hxd3  Bacteria  normal  0.521272  n/a   
NC_010803  Clim_0988  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.35 
441 aa  157  3e-37  Chlorobium limicola DSM 245  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008789  Hhal_0065  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.11 
448 aa  156  7e-37  Halorhodospira halophila SL1  Bacteria  normal  0.791332  n/a   
NC_008740  Maqu_0936  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.73 
609 aa  156  8e-37  Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8  Bacteria  normal  0.787123  n/a   
NC_002950  PG0304  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.83 
443 aa  155  1e-36  Porphyromonas gingivalis W83  Bacteria  n/a    normal  0.980459 
NC_008576  Mmc1_0688  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.27 
605 aa  155  1e-36  Magnetococcus sp. MC-1  Bacteria  normal  0.0508448  normal  0.631588 
NC_007484  Noc_1173  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.97 
515 aa  155  2e-36  Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC 19707  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009616  Tmel_1571  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  29.97 
438 aa  155  2e-36  Thermosipho melanesiensis BI429  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007912  Sde_2401  electron transport complex protein RnfC  32.91 
745 aa  153  7e-36  Saccharophagus degradans 2-40  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007512  Plut_1155  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  33.76 
441 aa  152  1e-35  Chlorobium luteolum DSM 273  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.47563 
NC_008345  Sfri_2174  electron transport complex protein RnfC  32.73 
846 aa  150  3e-35  Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400  Bacteria  normal  0.234957  n/a   
NC_010003  Pmob_0610  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.03 
440 aa  150  5e-35  Petrotoga mobilis SJ95  Bacteria  normal  0.0321334  n/a   
NC_012560  Avin_19250  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.07 
688 aa  150  5e-35  Azotobacter vinelandii DJ  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011662  Tmz1t_2991  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.4 
481 aa  150  6e-35  Thauera sp. MZ1T  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011901  Tgr7_2628  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.51 
532 aa  149  9e-35  Thioalkalivibrio sp. HL-EbGR7  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_002977  MCA2895  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.11 
523 aa  149  1.0000000000000001e-34  Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath  Bacteria  normal  0.473495  n/a   
NC_011080  SNSL254_A1567  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.73 
735 aa  149  1.0000000000000001e-34  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport str. SL254  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0379557 
NC_011149  SeAg_B1717  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.73 
735 aa  149  1.0000000000000001e-34  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009438  Sputcn32_1848  electron transport complex protein RnfC  32.69 
793 aa  149  1.0000000000000001e-34  Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00264282  n/a   
NC_011094  SeSA_A1555  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.73 
732 aa  149  1.0000000000000001e-34  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Schwarzengrund str. CVM19633  Bacteria  normal  0.555385  normal 
NC_007520  Tcr_1034  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  29.64 
704 aa  149  1.0000000000000001e-34  Thiomicrospira crunogena XCL-2  Bacteria  normal  0.321702  n/a   
NC_011083  SeHA_C1627  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.73 
735 aa  148  2.0000000000000003e-34  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Heidelberg str. SL476  Bacteria  normal  0.0777449  normal  0.304577 
NC_010718  Nther_0539  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.72 
438 aa  148  2.0000000000000003e-34  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009012  Cthe_2430  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.55 
439 aa  147  3e-34  Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405  Bacteria  normal  0.216673  n/a   
NC_011205  SeD_A1885  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.41 
704 aa  147  5e-34  Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Dublin str. CT_02021853  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_013456  VEA_002947  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.31 
916 aa  145  1e-33  Vibrio sp. Ex25  Bacteria  normal  0.703595  n/a   
NC_014150  Bmur_1733  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30 
435 aa  145  2e-33  Brachyspira murdochii DSM 12563  Bacteria  normal  0.0269079  n/a   
NC_010001  Cphy_0211  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  33.33 
439 aa  145  2e-33  Clostridium phytofermentans ISDg  Bacteria  normal  0.507749  n/a   
NC_009783  VIBHAR_02966  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.35 
912 aa  145  2e-33  Vibrio harveyi ATCC BAA-1116  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_012892  B21_01589  hypothetical protein  30.03 
694 aa  143  7e-33  Escherichia coli BL21  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00945839  n/a   
CP001509  ECD_01599  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.03 
740 aa  143  8e-33  Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)  Bacteria  normal  0.0105357  n/a   
CP001637  EcDH1_2012  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.03 
740 aa  142  8e-33  Escherichia coli DH1  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.000275301  n/a   
NC_004347  SO_2510  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.73 
790 aa  142  8e-33  Shewanella oneidensis MR-1  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_010498  EcSMS35_1570  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.03 
676 aa  143  8e-33  Escherichia coli SMS-3-5  Bacteria  normal  0.133646  normal 
NC_010468  EcolC_2000  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.03 
740 aa  142  8e-33  Escherichia coli ATCC 8739  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000227688  normal  0.287278 
NC_009801  EcE24377A_1837  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.35 
740 aa  142  8e-33  Escherichia coli E24377A  Bacteria  normal  0.0944307  n/a   
NC_009800  EcHS_A1705  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.35 
740 aa  142  9e-33  Escherichia coli HS  Bacteria  normal  0.0365167  n/a   
NC_008322  Shewmr7_1909  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.01 
799 aa  142  9.999999999999999e-33  Shewanella sp. MR-7  Bacteria  normal  0.567258  normal 
NC_010718  Nther_2593  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.27 
440 aa  142  9.999999999999999e-33  Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007298  Daro_1161  electron transport complex protein RnfC  33.86 
570 aa  142  1.9999999999999998e-32  Dechloromonas aromatica RCB  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_011353  ECH74115_2341  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.35 
772 aa  142  1.9999999999999998e-32  Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. EC4115  Bacteria  normal  0.0288695  normal 
NC_008700  Sama_1832  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.73 
880 aa  142  1.9999999999999998e-32  Shewanella amazonensis SB2B  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0828396 
NC_009831  Ssed_2042  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.33 
842 aa  140  3e-32  Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3  Bacteria  normal  0.875859  normal 
NC_010658  SbBS512_E1818  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.35 
708 aa  140  3e-32  Shigella boydii CDC 3083-94  Bacteria  normal  0.243946  n/a   
NC_013204  Elen_0699  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  31.19 
442 aa  140  3e-32  Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008321  Shewmr4_2066  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.7 
809 aa  140  3e-32  Shewanella sp. MR-4  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00275367  normal 
NC_008577  Shewana3_2170  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.73 
788 aa  141  3e-32  Shewanella sp. ANA-3  Bacteria  normal  0.0332538  normal 
NC_009092  Shew_2068  electron transport complex protein RnfC  29.84 
870 aa  140  3e-32  Shewanella loihica PV-4  Bacteria  normal  0.583585  normal 
NC_009665  Shew185_2063  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.21 
885 aa  140  4.999999999999999e-32  Shewanella baltica OS185  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00525621  n/a   
NC_009035  Sbal_4547  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.87 
884 aa  140  6e-32  Shewanella baltica OS155  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_009052  Sbal_2261  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.87 
884 aa  140  6e-32  Shewanella baltica OS155  Bacteria  normal  0.0443736  n/a   
NC_011663  Sbal223_2275  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.21 
876 aa  139  7e-32  Shewanella baltica OS223  Bacteria  normal  0.0169634  normal  0.804532 
NC_009436  Ent638_1819  electron transport complex protein RnfC  28.03 
673 aa  138  2e-31  Enterobacter sp. 638  Bacteria  normal  decreased coverage  0.000614228 
NC_008309  HS_1061  electron transport complex protein RnfC  29.17 
659 aa  138  2e-31  Haemophilus somnus 129PT  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009997  Sbal195_2110  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.87 
888 aa  137  3.0000000000000003e-31  Shewanella baltica OS195  Bacteria  normal  0.524779  normal 
NC_009439  Pmen_1402  electron transport complex protein RnfC  29.81 
944 aa  136  7.000000000000001e-31  Pseudomonas mendocina ymp  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.860812 
NC_007954  Sden_1865  electron transport complex protein RnfC  31.35 
731 aa  136  8e-31  Shewanella denitrificans OS217  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013889  TK90_1792  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.87 
541 aa  135  1.9999999999999998e-30  Thioalkalivibrio sp. K90mix  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  0.00273011 
NC_009901  Spea_2355  electron transport complex protein RnfC  32.66 
825 aa  134  3.9999999999999996e-30  Shewanella pealeana ATCC 700345  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007494  RSP_3194  4Fe-4S ferredoxin, RnfC  30.14 
517 aa  133  6e-30  Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008789  Hhal_0285  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.64 
506 aa  133  6.999999999999999e-30  Halorhodospira halophila SL1  Bacteria  normal  0.51844  n/a   
NC_009457  VC0395_A0536  electron transport complex protein RnfC  30.13 
773 aa  133  7.999999999999999e-30  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0000392819  n/a   
NC_007298  Daro_1494  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  28.53 
503 aa  132  1.0000000000000001e-29  Dechloromonas aromatica RCB  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.454099 
NC_009429  Rsph17025_3194  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, D subunit  28.82 
519 aa  132  1.0000000000000001e-29  Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17025  Bacteria  normal  0.0106168  normal 
NC_008554  Sfum_2699  electron transport complex, RnfABCDGE type, C subunit  30.67 
440 aa  132  2.0000000000000002e-29  Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans MPOB  Bacteria  normal  0.0888227  normal  0.012306 
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