More than 300 homologs were found in PanDaTox collection
for query gene GBAA_5329 on replicon NC_007530
Organism: Bacillus anthracis str. 'Ames Ancestor'

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Replicon accession

Locus tag


% identity

Alignment on query gene

Alignment on homolog gene


Bit score


Organism name


Plasmid clonability

Plasmid unclonability p-value

Fosmid clonability

Fosmid unclonability p-value

Coverage Plot

PanDaTox homologs

Experimental validation
NC_005945  BAS4952  iron compound ABC transporter permease  100 
338 aa  657    Bacillus anthracis str. Sterne  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007530  GBAA_5329  iron compound ABC transporter permease protein  100 
334 aa  657    Bacillus anthracis str. 'Ames Ancestor'  Bacteria  normal  0.0318732  n/a   
NC_010184  BcerKBAB4_4917  transport system permease protein  97.52 
338 aa  622  1e-177  Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4  Bacteria  normal  0.966018  n/a   
NC_006274  BCZK4814  iron compound ABC transporter, permease  96.71 
338 aa  618  1e-176  Bacillus cereus E33L  Bacteria  normal  0.216332  n/a   
NC_005957  BT9727_4794  iron compound ABC transporter, permease  96.11 
338 aa  612  9.999999999999999e-175  Bacillus thuringiensis serovar konkukian str. 97-27  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000000637239  n/a   
NC_011725  BCB4264_A5233  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  96.11 
338 aa  612  9.999999999999999e-175  Bacillus cereus B4264  Bacteria  normal  0.727492  n/a   
NC_003909  BCE_5225  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  97.83 
338 aa  599  1e-170  Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011830  Dhaf_2915  transport system permease protein  83.74 
337 aa  546  1e-154  Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2  Bacteria  normal  0.0212375  n/a   
NC_011658  BCAH187_A5246  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  98.93 
280 aa  539  9.999999999999999e-153  Bacillus cereus AH187  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011898  Ccel_2662  transport system permease protein  82.73 
336 aa  535  1e-151  Clostridium cellulolyticum H10  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011772  BCG9842_B0008  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  96.45 
282 aa  535  1e-151  Bacillus cereus G9842  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_011773  BCAH820_5196  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  96.79 
280 aa  532  1e-150  Bacillus cereus AH820  Bacteria  n/a    normal 
NC_013171  Apre_0635  transport system permease protein  62.42 
320 aa  395  1e-109  Anaerococcus prevotii DSM 20548  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000008766  n/a   
NC_013172  Bfae_30530  ABC-type enterochelin transport system, permease component  61.59 
336 aa  383  1e-105  Brachybacterium faecium DSM 4810  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_012803  Mlut_16590  ABC-type enterochelin transport system, permease component  58.13 
352 aa  365  1e-100  Micrococcus luteus NCTC 2665  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013169  Ksed_25340  ABC-type enterochelin transport system, permease component  58.02 
332 aa  340  1e-92  Kytococcus sedentarius DSM 20547  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_013521  Sked_04590  ABC-type enterochelin transport system, permease component  55.14 
339 aa  338  9.999999999999999e-92  Sanguibacter keddieii DSM 10542  Bacteria  normal  0.279632  normal  0.137174 
NC_009664  Krad_3703  transport system permease protein  61.94 
325 aa  323  3e-87  Kineococcus radiotolerans SRS30216  Bacteria  normal  0.162159  normal  0.98704 
NC_014158  Tpau_2664  transport system permease protein  47.45 
322 aa  283  2.0000000000000002e-75  Tsukamurella paurometabola DSM 20162  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010465  YPK_0070  transport system permease protein  45.02 
319 aa  270  2.9999999999999997e-71  Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YPIII  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009708  YpsIP31758_4092  iron chelate ABC transporter, permease protein  45.02 
319 aa  270  2.9999999999999997e-71  Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IP 31758  Bacteria  normal  0.664807  n/a   
NC_010159  YpAngola_A4144  iron chelate ABC transporter permease  45.02 
319 aa  270  2.9999999999999997e-71  Yersinia pestis Angola  Bacteria  normal  0.0880665  normal  0.0124759 
NC_009668  Oant_3798  transport system permease protein  43.29 
320 aa  266  2e-70  Ochrobactrum anthropi ATCC 49188  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011886  Achl_3786  transport system permease protein  42.28 
335 aa  264  1e-69  Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6  Bacteria  n/a    normal 
NC_004311  BRA0676  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  43.62 
320 aa  263  4e-69  Brucella suis 1330  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009504  BOV_A0633  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  43.62 
320 aa  263  4e-69  Brucella ovis ATCC 25840  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_012917  PC1_1764  transport system permease protein  46.67 
319 aa  260  3e-68  Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum PC1  Bacteria  normal  0.218639  n/a   
NC_013421  Pecwa_2036  transport system permease protein  46.03 
319 aa  257  2e-67  Pectobacterium wasabiae WPP163  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013174  Jden_2367  transport system permease protein  41.19 
346 aa  254  1.0000000000000001e-66  Jonesia denitrificans DSM 20603  Bacteria  normal  0.711313  normal  0.0413639 
NC_010002  Daci_1006  transport system permease protein  43.36 
349 aa  249  4e-65  Delftia acidovorans SPH-1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009784  VIBHAR_06134  ABC-type enterochelin transport system permease  42.2 
311 aa  244  1.9999999999999999e-63  Vibrio harveyi ATCC BAA-1116  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_008787  CJJ81176_1351  enterochelin ABC transporter, permease protein  37.58 
322 aa  244  1.9999999999999999e-63  Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni 81-176  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_003912  CJE1541  enterochelin ABC transporter, permease protein  37.58 
322 aa  243  5e-63  Campylobacter jejuni RM1221  Bacteria  normal  0.567393  n/a   
NC_013159  Svir_34410  ABC-type enterochelin transport system, permease component  39.49 
336 aa  241  1e-62  Saccharomonospora viridis DSM 43017  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009953  Sare_2403  transport system permease protein  42.11 
328 aa  241  1e-62  Salinispora arenicola CNS-205  Bacteria  normal  0.0598875  hitchhiker  0.0045509 
NC_009456  VC0395_1000  vibriobactin and enterobactin ABC transporter, permease protein  37.01 
312 aa  241  1e-62  Vibrio cholerae O395  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0000000000321439  n/a   
NC_013457  VEA_000331  iron(III) ABC transporter permease protein  40.43 
289 aa  241  2e-62  Vibrio sp. Ex25  Bacteria  unclonable  0.000000000524649  n/a   
NC_008686  Pden_0299  transport system permease protein  40.78 
318 aa  234  2.0000000000000002e-60  Paracoccus denitrificans PD1222  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008783  BARBAKC583_1112  iron chelate ABC transporter, permease protein  40.36 
318 aa  232  5e-60  Bartonella bacilliformis KC583  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_004116  SAG1010  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  33.96 
320 aa  225  9e-58  Streptococcus agalactiae 2603V/R  Bacteria  normal  0.0653713  n/a   
NC_010001  Cphy_0731  transport system permease protein  37.19 
320 aa  224  1e-57  Clostridium phytofermentans ISDg  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00000021523  n/a   
NC_013757  Gobs_5027  transport system permease protein  41.69 
344 aa  224  2e-57  Geodermatophilus obscurus DSM 43160  Bacteria  normal  0.503728  n/a   
NC_009632  SaurJH1_0774  transport system permease protein  36.75 
323 aa  220  3e-56  Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JH1  Bacteria  normal  0.848187  n/a   
NC_009487  SaurJH9_0757  transport system permease protein  36.75 
323 aa  220  3e-56  Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JH9  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007778  RPB_4397  transport system permease protein  38.72 
325 aa  220  3e-56  Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.533217 
NC_009783  VIBHAR_02108  hypothetical protein  37.34 
314 aa  220  3e-56  Vibrio harveyi ATCC BAA-1116  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_002976  SERP0400  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  37.13 
324 aa  219  3.9999999999999997e-56  Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013530  Xcel_1394  transport system permease protein  40.14 
344 aa  218  1e-55  Xylanimonas cellulosilytica DSM 15894  Bacteria  normal  0.0453205  n/a   
NC_009997  Sbal195_3470  transport system permease protein  36.3 
313 aa  216  5.9999999999999996e-55  Shewanella baltica OS195  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0100224 
NC_009438  Sputcn32_3669  transport system permease protein  35.93 
313 aa  214  9.999999999999999e-55  Shewanella putrefaciens CN-32  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_002947  PP_2594  ferric siderophore ABC transporter, permease protein  38.62 
313 aa  215  9.999999999999999e-55  Pseudomonas putida KT2440  Bacteria  normal  0.0873282  normal  0.0594882 
NC_009665  Shew185_3343  transport system permease protein  35.93 
313 aa  214  9.999999999999999e-55  Shewanella baltica OS185  Bacteria  normal  0.199124  n/a   
NC_010655  Amuc_1931  transport system permease protein  37.38 
321 aa  213  2.9999999999999995e-54  Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.109589 
NC_007969  Pcryo_1908  transport system permease protein  37.23 
368 aa  213  3.9999999999999995e-54  Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5  Bacteria  normal  0.0955975  normal  0.119635 
NC_014165  Tbis_0020  transport system permease protein  39.37 
331 aa  212  7.999999999999999e-54  Thermobispora bispora DSM 43833  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_1629  transport system permease protein  33.55 
313 aa  211  2e-53  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  0.287852  normal 
NC_011004  Rpal_2626  transport system permease protein  39.66 
325 aa  209  7e-53  Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1  Bacteria  normal  0.404652  n/a   
NC_008532  STER_1028  ABC-type Fe3+-siderophore transport system, permease component  37.46 
317 aa  205  9e-52  Streptococcus thermophilus LMD-9  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.000116719  n/a   
NC_009524  PsycPRwf_0660  transport system permease protein  35.66 
352 aa  188  9e-47  Psychrobacter sp. PRwf-1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009431  Rsph17025_4265  ABC-type multidrug transport system ATPase component-like protein  41.25 
274 aa  186  4e-46  Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17025  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007494  RSP_3220  ABC ferric siderophore transporter, inner membrane subunit  37.94 
315 aa  183  3e-45  Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1  Bacteria  normal  0.436019  n/a   
NC_009674  Bcer98_0359  transport system permease protein  31.35 
278 aa  178  1e-43  Bacillus cytotoxicus NVH 391-98  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.00496311  n/a   
NC_009050  Rsph17029_3959  transport system permease protein  37.23 
315 aa  174  2.9999999999999996e-42  Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17029  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009712  Mboo_0986  transport system permease protein  34.74 
315 aa  116  5e-25  Candidatus Methanoregula boonei 6A8  Archaea  normal  0.991097  normal  0.212421 
NC_011773  BCAH820_5475  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  26.5 
351 aa  113  4.0000000000000004e-24  Bacillus cereus AH820  Bacteria  n/a    normal 
NC_003909  BCE_5512  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  26.5 
351 aa  113  4.0000000000000004e-24  Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_005957  BT9727_5063  ferrichrome ABC transporter, permease  26.5 
351 aa  113  4.0000000000000004e-24  Bacillus thuringiensis serovar konkukian str. 97-27  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_006274  BCZK5080  ferrichrome transport system, permease  26.5 
351 aa  113  4.0000000000000004e-24  Bacillus cereus E33L  Bacteria  normal  0.118042  n/a   
NC_011725  BCB4264_A5506  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  26.5 
351 aa  113  4.0000000000000004e-24  Bacillus cereus B4264  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011772  BCG9842_B5445  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  26.21 
351 aa  113  5e-24  Bacillus cereus G9842  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_010184  BcerKBAB4_5176  transport system permease protein  25.93 
351 aa  112  8.000000000000001e-24  Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011658  BCAH187_A5561  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  26.21 
351 aa  112  1.0000000000000001e-23  Bacillus cereus AH187  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009674  Bcer98_2408  transport system permease protein  29.39 
335 aa  110  3e-23  Bacillus cytotoxicus NVH 391-98  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00436362  n/a   
NC_009654  Mmwyl1_0692  transport system permease protein  28.67 
333 aa  109  5e-23  Marinomonas sp. MWYL1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_011898  Ccel_3203  transport system permease protein  30.2 
350 aa  109  6e-23  Clostridium cellulolyticum H10  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009674  Bcer98_3904  transport system permease protein  25.29 
350 aa  109  7.000000000000001e-23  Bacillus cytotoxicus NVH 391-98  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007005  Psyr_0666  iron-dicitrate transporter permease subunit  29.59 
324 aa  108  1e-22  Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.978539 
NC_010003  Pmob_0039  transport system permease protein  29.54 
336 aa  108  1e-22  Petrotoga mobilis SJ95  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00235157  n/a   
NC_009718  Fnod_0256  transport system permease protein  30.58 
329 aa  107  4e-22  Fervidobacterium nodosum Rt17-B1  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000493486  n/a   
NC_005945  BAS3582  iron compound ABC transporter permease  25.25 
335 aa  107  4e-22  Bacillus anthracis str. Sterne  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_006274  BCZK3494  iron(III) dicitrate transport system permease  25.59 
335 aa  106  4e-22  Bacillus cereus E33L  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007530  GBAA_3866  iron compound ABC transporter permease protein  25.25 
335 aa  107  4e-22  Bacillus anthracis str. 'Ames Ancestor'  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011658  BCAH187_A3786  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  25.59 
335 aa  106  4e-22  Bacillus cereus AH187  Bacteria  normal  0.223523  n/a   
NC_004578  PSPTO_0762  iron(III) dicitrate transport system, permease protein FecC  29.47 
324 aa  106  5e-22  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_003909  BCE_3770  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  25.59 
335 aa  105  7e-22  Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011773  BCAH820_3748  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  25.59 
335 aa  106  7e-22  Bacillus cereus AH820  Bacteria  n/a    hitchhiker  0.0000000000332198 
NC_005957  BT9727_3482  iron(III) dicitrate transport system, permease  25.59 
335 aa  106  7e-22  Bacillus thuringiensis serovar konkukian str. 97-27  Bacteria  normal  0.155404  n/a   
NC_008262  CPR_0795  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  27.14 
337 aa  106  7e-22  Clostridium perfringens SM101  Bacteria  normal  0.0863815  n/a   
NC_008261  CPF_0808  putative ferrichrome ABC transporter, permease protein FhuB  27.14 
337 aa  105  1e-21  Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013595  Sros_7986  ABC transporter, permease, Fe3+-siderophore transport system  31.36 
350 aa  104  2e-21  Streptosporangium roseum DSM 43021  Bacteria  normal  0.121274  normal  0.17606 
NC_009674  Bcer98_0329  transport system permease protein  26.33 
336 aa  104  2e-21  Bacillus cytotoxicus NVH 391-98  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00182989  n/a   
NC_013411  GYMC61_1048  transport system permease protein  26.83 
335 aa  103  5e-21  Geobacillus sp. Y412MC61  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_008262  CPR_0779  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  30.36 
334 aa  102  6e-21  Clostridium perfringens SM101  Bacteria  normal  0.100059  n/a   
NC_010184  BcerKBAB4_3505  transport system permease protein  25.59 
335 aa  102  8e-21  Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011772  BCG9842_B1463  iron compound ABC transporter, permease protein  25.25 
335 aa  102  1e-20  Bacillus cereus G9842  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  0.0000336086 
NC_007796  Mhun_0186  transport system permease protein  27.92 
362 aa  102  1e-20  Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1  Archaea  normal  0.129161  normal  0.828954 
NC_007969  Pcryo_1283  transport system permease protein  26.63 
358 aa  101  1e-20  Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5  Bacteria  normal  0.679975  normal 
NC_008783  BARBAKC583_0456  hemin ABC transporter, permease protein  28.2 
366 aa  101  2e-20  Bartonella bacilliformis KC583  Bacteria  normal  0.288239  n/a   
NC_012850  Rleg_3271  transport system permease protein  30.89 
370 aa  100  2e-20  Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii WSM1325  Bacteria  normal  decreased coverage  0.00536194 
NC_008942  Mlab_1153  hypothetical protein  28.84 
375 aa  100  2e-20  Methanocorpusculum labreanum Z  Archaea  normal  normal 
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