More than 300 homologs were found in PanDaTox collection
for query gene Mpal_1267 on replicon NC_011832
Organism: Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9c

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Replicon accession

Locus tag


% identity

Alignment on query gene

Alignment on homolog gene


Bit score


Organism name


Plasmid clonability

Plasmid unclonability p-value

Fosmid clonability

Fosmid unclonability p-value

Coverage Plot

PanDaTox homologs

Experimental validation
NC_011832  Mpal_1267  MCP methyltransferase, CheR-type  100 
274 aa  552  1e-156  Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9c  Archaea  normal  normal 
NC_009712  Mboo_0391  methyltransferase type 11  75.55 
278 aa  421  1e-117  Candidatus Methanoregula boonei 6A8  Archaea  normal  normal 
NC_013440  Hoch_4416  Methyltransferase type 11  48.58 
264 aa  248  7e-65  Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_011673  PHATRDRAFT_44851  predicted protein  39.67 
249 aa  184  1.0000000000000001e-45  Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCAP 1055/1  Eukaryota  normal  n/a   
NC_007406  Nwi_0491  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methylase  34.29 
288 aa  127  3e-28  Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nb-255  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_004116  SAG0786  hypothetical protein  32.37 
242 aa  123  3e-27  Streptococcus agalactiae 2603V/R  Bacteria  normal  0.27206  n/a   
NC_008009  Acid345_0672  putative RNA methylase  32.13 
282 aa  120  1.9999999999999998e-26  Candidatus Koribacter versatilis Ellin345  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_011757  Mchl_3349  Methyltransferase type 11  38.19 
145 aa  97.8  2e-19  Methylobacterium chloromethanicum CM4  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_006369  lpl2605  hypothetical protein  25.57 
265 aa  93.6  3e-18  Legionella pneumophila str. Lens  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_006368  lpp2732  hypothetical protein  25.95 
265 aa  93.2  4e-18  Legionella pneumophila str. Paris  Bacteria  n/a    n/a   
NC_011884  Cyan7425_1899  Methyltransferase type 11  29.96 
266 aa  85.1  0.000000000000001  Cyanothece sp. PCC 7425  Bacteria  normal  0.0163347  normal 
NC_013174  Jden_1690  Methyltransferase type 11  29.27 
285 aa  80.9  0.00000000000002  Jonesia denitrificans DSM 20603  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0193071 
NC_007796  Mhun_0064  hypothetical protein  29.87 
268 aa  80.1  0.00000000000004  Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1  Archaea  normal  normal  0.0768546 
BN001304  ANIA_07175  ubiE/COQ5 methyltransferase, putative (AFU_orthologue; AFUA_4G03321)  26.67 
313 aa  79.7  0.00000000000005  Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4  Eukaryota  normal  0.38441  normal  0.150354 
NC_010338  Caul_1979  methyltransferase type 11  39.05 
240 aa  79.3  0.00000000000006  Caulobacter sp. K31  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.950841 
NC_007435  BURPS1710b_A0056  methyltransferase small domain-containing protein  33.53 
438 aa  78.6  0.0000000000001  Burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b  Bacteria  normal  0.0610921  n/a   
NC_009078  BURPS1106A_A1471  putative methyltransferase  33.53 
431 aa  78.6  0.0000000000001  Burkholderia pseudomallei 1106a  Bacteria  normal  0.0443682  n/a   
NC_009075  BURPS668_A1559  putative methyltransferase  33.53 
370 aa  77.8  0.0000000000002  Burkholderia pseudomallei 668  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013223  Dret_1020  Methyltransferase type 11  31.06 
273 aa  77.4  0.0000000000002  Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.833494 
NC_010725  Mpop_0964  Methyltransferase type 11  33.14 
281 aa  77.8  0.0000000000002  Methylobacterium populi BJ001  Bacteria  decreased coverage  0.0015183  normal 
NC_008726  Mvan_4690  methyltransferase type 11  37.5 
280 aa  73.9  0.000000000003  Mycobacterium vanbaalenii PYR-1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_013595  Sros_2537  methyltransferase type 11  41.74 
281 aa  73.6  0.000000000004  Streptosporangium roseum DSM 43021  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007796  Mhun_2814  UbiE/COQ5 methyltransferase  38.53 
209 aa  73.6  0.000000000004  Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1  Archaea  normal  normal  0.206405 
NC_009921  Franean1_6463  methyltransferase type 11  30 
283 aa  72.4  0.000000000008  Frankia sp. EAN1pec  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.0440629 
NC_008340  Mlg_1611  methyltransferase type 11  38.4 
290 aa  72  0.000000000009  Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii MLHE-1  Bacteria  normal  0.709474  normal 
NC_004578  PSPTO_2455  hypothetical protein  43.59 
78 aa  71.2  0.00000000001  Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000  Bacteria  normal  0.135199  n/a   
NC_009632  SaurJH1_1558  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  25.96 
241 aa  70.9  0.00000000002  Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JH1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009487  SaurJH9_1528  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  25.96 
241 aa  70.9  0.00000000002  Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus JH9  Bacteria  normal  0.828667  n/a   
NC_013521  Sked_10980  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methylase  30.06 
296 aa  71.2  0.00000000002  Sanguibacter keddieii DSM 10542  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009953  Sare_0702  methyltransferase type 11  30.35 
265 aa  70.9  0.00000000002  Salinispora arenicola CNS-205  Bacteria  normal  0.136876  normal  0.144201 
NC_012669  Bcav_1561  Methyltransferase type 11  34.59 
283 aa  70.5  0.00000000003  Beutenbergia cavernae DSM 12333  Bacteria  normal  0.160915  normal 
NC_011886  Achl_3630  Methyltransferase type 11  33.94 
272 aa  70.5  0.00000000003  Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6  Bacteria  n/a    normal 
NC_013440  Hoch_2016  Methyltransferase type 11  32.73 
276 aa  70.5  0.00000000003  Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.544717 
NC_013743  Htur_1002  Methyltransferase type 11  39.25 
226 aa  69.7  0.00000000005  Haloterrigena turkmenica DSM 5511  Archaea  n/a    n/a   
NC_014151  Cfla_1198  Methyltransferase type 11  32.08 
272 aa  69.7  0.00000000005  Cellulomonas flavigena DSM 20109  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_014210  Ndas_2082  Methyltransferase type 11  34.86 
265 aa  68.9  0.00000000008  Nocardiopsis dassonvillei subsp. dassonvillei DSM 43111  Bacteria  normal  0.0250363  normal 
NC_009712  Mboo_2291  methyltransferase type 11  35.94 
270 aa  68.2  0.0000000001  Candidatus Methanoregula boonei 6A8  Archaea  normal  normal 
NC_013743  Htur_0064  Methyltransferase type 11  37.31 
226 aa  68.6  0.0000000001  Haloterrigena turkmenica DSM 5511  Archaea  n/a    n/a   
NC_011884  Cyan7425_4748  hypothetical protein  31.14 
273 aa  67.4  0.0000000002  Cyanothece sp. PCC 7425  Bacteria  normal  hitchhiker  0.00000104492 
NC_007948  Bpro_2859  UbiE/COQ5 methyltransferase  35.43 
287 aa  67  0.0000000003  Polaromonas sp. JS666  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009380  Strop_0760  methyltransferase type 11  28.24 
265 aa  67  0.0000000003  Salinispora tropica CNB-440  Bacteria  normal  0.481453  normal 
NC_011126  HY04AAS1_1145  Methyltransferase type 11  31.88 
208 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Hydrogenobaculum sp. Y04AAS1  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013595  Sros_5517  methyltransferase type 11  38.05 
355 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Streptosporangium roseum DSM 43021  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.00770643  normal  0.912188 
NC_011832  Mpal_1125  Methyltransferase type 11  30.88 
270 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9c  Archaea  normal  0.321869  normal  0.566486 
NC_009972  Haur_2102  hypothetical protein  26.8 
269 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Herpetosiphon aurantiacus ATCC 23779  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008541  Arth_3815  methyltransferase type 11  28.75 
271 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Arthrobacter sp. FB24  Bacteria  normal  0.577541  n/a   
NC_009712  Mboo_0176  hypothetical protein  27.23 
279 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Candidatus Methanoregula boonei 6A8  Archaea  normal  0.261727  normal 
NC_008781  Pnap_3675  methyltransferase type 11  34.78 
287 aa  66.6  0.0000000004  Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_013757  Gobs_0254  Methyltransferase type 11  30.19 
273 aa  65.9  0.0000000006  Geodermatophilus obscurus DSM 43160  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010424  Daud_1087  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  27.43 
248 aa  66.2  0.0000000006  Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator MP104C  Bacteria  normal  0.0234174  n/a   
NC_013743  Htur_2404  Methyltransferase type 11  42.99 
226 aa  65.9  0.0000000007  Haloterrigena turkmenica DSM 5511  Archaea  n/a    n/a   
NC_008609  Ppro_1409  methyltransferase type 12  33.9 
269 aa  65.9  0.0000000007  Pelobacter propionicus DSM 2379  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007604  Synpcc7942_1099  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  36.11 
233 aa  65.9  0.0000000008  Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942  Bacteria  normal  0.729785  normal  0.0384798 
NC_010725  Mpop_1640  transcriptional regulator, ArsR family  38.26 
342 aa  65.5  0.0000000009  Methylobacterium populi BJ001  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007355  Mbar_A0463  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  38.33 
250 aa  64.7  0.000000001  Methanosarcina barkeri str. Fusaro  Archaea  normal  normal 
NC_009565  TBFG_10857  hypothetical protein  33.94 
270 aa  65.1  0.000000001  Mycobacterium tuberculosis F11  Bacteria  normal  0.530808  hitchhiker  0.000000211273 
NC_010551  BamMC406_1995  methyltransferase type 11  37.9 
287 aa  65.1  0.000000001  Burkholderia ambifaria MC40-6  Bacteria  normal  0.731995  normal  0.0329645 
NC_009943  Dole_3189  methyltransferase type 11  31.53 
187 aa  65.1  0.000000001  Desulfococcus oleovorans Hxd3  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008819  NATL1_04841  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferases  29.69 
232 aa  65.1  0.000000001  Prochlorococcus marinus str. NATL1A  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_002977  MCA3003  UbiE/COQ5 family methlytransferase  27.66 
276 aa  64.3  0.000000002  Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_007204  Psyc_1156  methyltransferase  36.28 
355 aa  64.3  0.000000002  Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_007335  PMN2A_1762  demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase  29.69 
232 aa  64.3  0.000000002  Prochlorococcus marinus str. NATL2A  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010184  BcerKBAB4_1437  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  26.29 
237 aa  64.7  0.000000002  Bacillus weihenstephanensis KBAB4  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_010814  Glov_1985  Methyltransferase type 11  33.08 
1000 aa  64.3  0.000000002  Geobacter lovleyi SZ  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_013440  Hoch_4343  Methyltransferase type 11  31.58 
415 aa  63.9  0.000000003  Haliangium ochraceum DSM 14365  Bacteria  normal  0.414925  normal  0.473204 
NC_011757  Mchl_1880  transcriptional regulator, ArsR family  36.84 
354 aa  63.9  0.000000003  Methylobacterium chloromethanicum CM4  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.265795 
NC_013131  Caci_7789  Methyltransferase type 11  27.53 
276 aa  63.9  0.000000003  Catenulispora acidiphila DSM 44928  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.527057 
NC_011146  Gbem_2045  Methyltransferase type 11  31.06 
267 aa  63.5  0.000000003  Geobacter bemidjiensis Bem  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.000233397  n/a   
NC_010172  Mext_1599  methyltransferase type 11  36.84 
349 aa  63.5  0.000000003  Methylobacterium extorquens PA1  Bacteria  normal  0.318356  normal  0.150084 
NC_013730  Slin_1234  Methyltransferase type 12  24.76 
269 aa  63.9  0.000000003  Spirosoma linguale DSM 74  Bacteria  normal  normal  0.186171 
NC_009972  Haur_0110  methyltransferase type 11  29.21 
274 aa  63.9  0.000000003  Herpetosiphon aurantiacus ATCC 23779  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011729  PCC7424_0747  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  35.61 
236 aa  63.5  0.000000004  Cyanothece sp. PCC 7424  Bacteria  n/a    normal 
BN001304  ANIA_07146  sterol 24-c-methyltransferase, putative (AFU_orthologue; AFUA_4G03630)  32.43 
377 aa  63.2  0.000000005  Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4  Eukaryota  normal  0.690937  normal 
NC_011688  PHATRDRAFT_39627  predicted protein  25.82 
410 aa  62.8  0.000000005  Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCAP 1055/1  Eukaryota  normal  n/a   
NC_011666  Msil_3543  transcriptional regulator, ArsR family  35.96 
335 aa  63.2  0.000000005  Methylocella silvestris BL2  Bacteria  n/a    normal  0.304877 
NC_007908  Rfer_3515  UbiE/COQ5 methyltransferase  34.45 
287 aa  63.2  0.000000005  Rhodoferax ferrireducens T118  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008009  Acid345_2959  methyltransferase type 11  34.09 
273 aa  63.2  0.000000005  Candidatus Koribacter versatilis Ellin345  Bacteria  normal  0.896455  normal 
NC_013501  Rmar_2577  Methyltransferase type 11  35.29 
237 aa  63.2  0.000000005  Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4252  Bacteria  normal  0.602615  n/a   
NC_010172  Mext_1032  methyltransferase type 11  28.97 
282 aa  62.8  0.000000006  Methylobacterium extorquens PA1  Bacteria  normal  0.0822126  normal  0.0891135 
NC_007912  Sde_3852  UbiE/COQ5 family methlytransferase  34.31 
212 aa  62.8  0.000000006  Saccharophagus degradans 2-40  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_013743  Htur_2196  Methyltransferase type 11  34.65 
266 aa  62.4  0.000000007  Haloterrigena turkmenica DSM 5511  Archaea  n/a    n/a   
NC_007484  Noc_0586  UbiE/COQ5 methyltransferase  33.91 
346 aa  62.4  0.000000007  Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC 19707  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009719  Plav_2291  hypothetical protein  34.86 
263 aa  62.4  0.000000007  Parvibaculum lavamentivorans DS-1  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_014210  Ndas_1457  AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase  30.73 
853 aa  62.8  0.000000007  Nocardiopsis dassonvillei subsp. dassonvillei DSM 43111  Bacteria  normal  0.805076  normal  0.11839 
NC_012918  GM21_2173  Methyltransferase type 11  31.06 
267 aa  62.4  0.000000008  Geobacter sp. M21  Bacteria  n/a    normal 
NC_002976  SERP1039  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  25.15 
241 aa  62.4  0.000000008  Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_009976  P9211_04271  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  27.27 
233 aa  62  0.000000009  Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9211  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_008554  Sfum_1190  methyltransferase type 11  26.56 
209 aa  62  0.000000009  Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans MPOB  Bacteria  normal  0.0776895  normal 
NC_011725  BCB4264_A1569  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  25.71 
237 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Bacillus cereus B4264  Bacteria  normal  0.781622  n/a   
NC_011894  Mnod_4920  transcriptional regulator, ArsR family  35.66 
328 aa  62  0.00000001  Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011757  Mchl_1159  Methyltransferase type 11  29.45 
282 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Methylobacterium chloromethanicum CM4  Bacteria  normal  0.0308306  normal 
NC_011832  Mpal_1396  Methyltransferase type 11  31.03 
190 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9c  Archaea  normal  0.482862  normal  0.887166 
NC_007412  Ava_C0006  hypothetical protein  28.57 
271 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413  Bacteria  normal  0.868865  normal  0.0557095 
NC_012850  Rleg_2478  Methyltransferase type 11  37.29 
269 aa  62  0.00000001  Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii WSM1325  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_009976  P9211_04141  putative methyltransferase  32.88 
241 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Prochlorococcus marinus str. MIT 9211  Bacteria  normal  normal 
NC_011772  BCG9842_B3776  ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase  25.71 
237 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Bacillus cereus G9842  Bacteria  normal  0.0393069  normal 
NC_009051  Memar_0891  methyltransferase type 11  33.59 
267 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1  Archaea  normal  0.304203  n/a   
NC_009484  Acry_1100  methyltransferase type 11  30.38 
313 aa  62  0.00000001  Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_008527  LACR_1836  demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase / 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone methylase  30.97 
246 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris SK11  Bacteria  normal  n/a   
NC_011884  Cyan7425_2262  Methyltransferase type 11  33.96 
272 aa  61.6  0.00000001  Cyanothece sp. PCC 7425  Bacteria  hitchhiker  0.0068662  normal 
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