| NC_013510 |
Tcur_2028 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
100 |
152 aa |
310 |
4.999999999999999e-84 |
Thermomonospora curvata DSM 43183 |
Bacteria |
hitchhiker |
0.00595059 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_009380 |
Strop_2398 |
hypothetical protein |
43.06 |
177 aa |
114 |
5e-25 |
Salinispora tropica CNB-440 |
Bacteria |
normal |
0.796069 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_009565 |
TBFG_12649 |
hypothetical protein |
42.75 |
179 aa |
108 |
2.0000000000000002e-23 |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis F11 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_009953 |
Sare_2547 |
hypothetical protein |
44.93 |
142 aa |
107 |
7.000000000000001e-23 |
Salinispora arenicola CNS-205 |
Bacteria |
normal |
0.0775927 |
decreased coverage |
0.00000269458 |
- |
| NC_014165 |
Tbis_0834 |
hypothetical protein |
42.67 |
153 aa |
103 |
8e-22 |
Thermobispora bispora DSM 43833 |
Bacteria |
normal |
0.727995 |
normal |
0.702383 |
- |
| NC_014165 |
Tbis_0423 |
hypothetical protein |
30 |
142 aa |
79 |
0.00000000000002 |
Thermobispora bispora DSM 43833 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| CP001800 |
Ssol_1747 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
32.59 |
139 aa |
70.9 |
0.000000000006 |
Sulfolobus solfataricus 98/2 |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_007355 |
Mbar_A1251 |
archease family protein |
32.17 |
146 aa |
62.4 |
0.000000002 |
Methanosarcina barkeri str. Fusaro |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_011146 |
Gbem_0988 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
32.58 |
143 aa |
57.4 |
0.00000006 |
Geobacter bemidjiensis Bem |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_010525 |
Tneu_0707 |
hypothetical protein |
28.1 |
147 aa |
56.6 |
0.0000001 |
Thermoproteus neutrophilus V24Sta |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_009073 |
Pcal_0569 |
hypothetical protein |
26.71 |
147 aa |
56.2 |
0.0000001 |
Pyrobaculum calidifontis JCM 11548 |
Archaea |
n/a |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_009376 |
Pars_1831 |
hypothetical protein |
27.4 |
150 aa |
56.6 |
0.0000001 |
Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514 |
Archaea |
hitchhiker |
0.000057693 |
normal |
0.0919322 |
- |
| NC_009440 |
Msed_0121 |
hypothetical protein |
36.11 |
135 aa |
55.8 |
0.0000002 |
Metallosphaera sedula DSM 5348 |
Archaea |
hitchhiker |
0.0000001565 |
hitchhiker |
0.0000415863 |
- |
| NC_008698 |
Tpen_0271 |
hypothetical protein |
29.23 |
165 aa |
55.5 |
0.0000003 |
Thermofilum pendens Hrk 5 |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_007498 |
Pcar_0018 |
hypothetical protein |
32.45 |
159 aa |
53.1 |
0.000001 |
Pelobacter carbinolicus DSM 2380 |
Bacteria |
hitchhiker |
0.00000044858 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_012918 |
GM21_3272 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
33.8 |
143 aa |
53.1 |
0.000001 |
Geobacter sp. M21 |
Bacteria |
n/a |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_008701 |
Pisl_1685 |
hypothetical protein |
25.33 |
147 aa |
50.4 |
0.000009 |
Pyrobaculum islandicum DSM 4184 |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
normal |
0.0257186 |
- |
| NC_002939 |
GSU1680 |
hypothetical protein |
33.1 |
143 aa |
49.7 |
0.00001 |
Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA |
Bacteria |
normal |
0.594814 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_009483 |
Gura_1392 |
hypothetical protein |
29.66 |
143 aa |
47.4 |
0.00008 |
Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_008942 |
Mlab_0128 |
hypothetical protein |
24.24 |
136 aa |
46.6 |
0.0001 |
Methanocorpusculum labreanum Z |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_009455 |
DehaBAV1_0741 |
hypothetical protein |
31.94 |
138 aa |
45.8 |
0.0002 |
Dehalococcoides sp. BAV1 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_002936 |
DET0822 |
hypothetical protein |
27.01 |
138 aa |
45.8 |
0.0002 |
Dehalococcoides ethenogenes 195 |
Bacteria |
normal |
0.303013 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_009712 |
Mboo_1793 |
hypothetical protein |
25.19 |
135 aa |
44.7 |
0.0005 |
Candidatus Methanoregula boonei 6A8 |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
normal |
0.694231 |
- |
| NC_013223 |
Dret_0332 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
26.06 |
140 aa |
43.5 |
0.001 |
Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_013501 |
Rmar_0655 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
38.57 |
143 aa |
43.1 |
0.001 |
Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4252 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_013552 |
DhcVS_726 |
hypothetical protein |
31.51 |
138 aa |
43.5 |
0.001 |
Dehalococcoides sp. VS |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_009051 |
Memar_1652 |
hypothetical protein |
23.66 |
135 aa |
42.7 |
0.002 |
Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_011901 |
Tgr7_1949 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
27.07 |
141 aa |
42.4 |
0.002 |
Thioalkalivibrio sp. HL-EbGR7 |
Bacteria |
hitchhiker |
0.000093626 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_009943 |
Dole_0688 |
hypothetical protein |
27.15 |
150 aa |
42 |
0.003 |
Desulfococcus oleovorans Hxd3 |
Bacteria |
normal |
0.0414002 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_009954 |
Cmaq_1580 |
hypothetical protein |
29.85 |
143 aa |
40.8 |
0.006 |
Caldivirga maquilingensis IC-167 |
Archaea |
normal |
0.986242 |
normal |
1 |
- |
| NC_011661 |
Dtur_1264 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
22.79 |
138 aa |
40.8 |
0.007 |
Dictyoglomus turgidum DSM 6724 |
Bacteria |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_013158 |
Huta_2756 |
protein of unknown function DUF101 |
25 |
136 aa |
40.8 |
0.007 |
Halorhabdus utahensis DSM 12940 |
Archaea |
normal |
0.905523 |
n/a |
- |
| NC_008553 |
Mthe_1373 |
hypothetical protein |
33.33 |
141 aa |
40.4 |
0.008 |
Methanosaeta thermophila PT |
Archaea |
normal |
1 |
n/a |
- |